Thursday, December 18, 2008
Can This Economic Crisis Allow Us To Remember The True Meaning Of Christmas?
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 12:59 PM
Or at least the Pope thinks so, click here to read what he said.
As for my opinion on this, I agree that we need to bring back the Christmas in Christmas. But, other people don't think so. I really believe it will take something much more than an economic crisis to do that.
All you hear about is how to save money and how stores will survive this. You don't hear about the true meaning. Even most Christmas songs played are not about the true meaning! They have taken the Christ out of Christmas.
How do you feel about this?
Pope image credit
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Okay, now by all means I am no fan of the Clinton's, but this seems fishy. They used to adore the Clinton's(remember before the Obama days, Bill was "the first black" president!) and know after Obama came into the picture-they have turned their backs on them!
Isn't it bad enough for Hillary who spend her whole career to try to run for president to get upstaged by a younger,(half-)black man? Then once he wins, and gives her the consolation prize as Secretary of the State-they cut her salary? That's like three slaps in her face!
What are these people thinking? I am 100% shocked by how the Democrats are acting towards the Clinton's. They called Bill a racist for crying out loud. What is with them?
But I guess Obama will get his turn.
How do you feel about this?
Hillary image credit
Labels: Hillary Clinton, pay cut
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
No shocker here, I do think that perhaps he was lied too about the weapons of mass destruction. I have heard that even when Clinton was in office, they were planning the war in Iraq. So it's not 100% Bush's fault, even though he was the one who initioned the war.
Bush said today(tuesday Dec 09 2008), that todays military is "stronger, more agile and better prepared" than before 9/11. He also said, "With all the actions we've taken these past eight years, we've laid a solid foundation on which future presidents and future military leaders can build,". Sounds like he is trying to defend his memory. He included his dreams for what the next President should do, that he wants them to stand with people who support freedom and support the troops and their famlies.
I doubt that what Obama will do what Bush wants him to do, but then again what he promised to do, he is already backing out and making his supporters mad. Hmm, I should write about that next...
Whats your opinions?
Labels: Bush
Friday, December 5, 2008
Well Well Well....Oprah What Do You Have To Say About Yourself Now?
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 11:06 AM
Now Oprah might regret that she didn't interview Sarah Palin now! We all know that her show has been hurting for 2 reasons, her new weird "religion" and because of Obama. What might have been her saving grace, by interviewing Sarah Palin when she was running for VP didn't pan out because Oprah is obsessed with Obama(maybe its a O name thing?) has bitten her back. Sarah Palin has zero interest in a interview with the "queen of daytime talk". Or at least that's what Oprah is saying.
Well they say, what comes around, goes around. A little too late for you Oprah!
image credits-
Oprah-Radar Online
Sarah Palin-Media Right
Labels: Election 08, Oprah, Palin
Shop In Chic is having her first meme and I am joining. Check out her blog if you haven't already. I hope I am doing this whole meme thing correctly!
The Style Meme
Describe your personal style?
What can I say? I dress for comfort first and style second.
What does Fashion mean exactly?
Covering and style
Why are we slaves to fashion?
Because we all want to look good
Labels: meme
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
You better believe it! I found this article about what Obama promised planned (non)parenthood to sign the Freedom of Choice Act(freedom, yeah right-its not freedom for babies)that would cancel all state laws that prevent abortion.
This man is crazy! Having hospitals to close down because they don't agree with the pro-murder act is stupid. In fact, to a degree it could be a thing a communist would do. Oh how I dread these next 4 years!
Labels: abortions, communist, freedom of choice act, Obama, opinions, planned parenthood, pro-life
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I found this article at Atlas Shrugs about Obama's birth certificate, and I would like share it with my readers.
We all have heard the rumors and all, but to have a person who does this for a living, giving his input despite the threats held against him is a huge thing to do. I give Techdude huge credit for this!
I agree that chances are that it is forged and not real. If it was real, why would the Gov. of Hawaii block people from digging deeper?! If you have nothing to hide, why hide it?
Whats your input on this?
Labels: birth certificate, Obama, questions for obama
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I haven't posted in a few days after the election, but I now have some news stories to share with you. And a little blurb about each.
8 year old boy shot dad and another man
Why would his father tech him and let him use a gun at 8? Now, I believe in gun rights, but come on here people! He's 8!
Democrats Make Guns Sales Rocket
No shocker here, it happend during the Clinton years.
Palin Says McCains Aids Who Took Her Comments Out Of Context Are Jerks
No kidding, they are being jerks.
Obama Wants To Overturn 200 Bush's administration rulings.
No shocker here again.
Obama is Expected To Join Forces With UN Global Pro-Abortion Group
I think he wants to force abortions on people.
Labels: news
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I already voted early, but if you haven't voted early, vote today. And don't vote for what the rest of the herd votes for!
Either tomorrow, we'll be happy or we'll be crying. I might come back and do either updates or a whole new post about the polls and all. So stay tuned.
Labels: 2008 Election Coverage
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Note To The Leftest Who Read This: I did not state anything about Obama being a Marxist. I am just reporting about the interview. So don't send me hate emails for just stating infomation on this.
Joe Biden was in a interviewed by Orlando's WFTV station, and was asked question's that weren't welcomed by the Obama camp. Here's the statement Obama's spokesperson made after the interview.
"There's nothing wrong with tough questions, but reporters have the very important job of sharing the truth with the public -- not misleading the American people with false information. Senator Biden handled the interview well; however, the anchor was completely unprofessional. Senator Biden's wife is not running for elected office, and there are many other stations in the Orlando television market that would gladly conduct a respectful and factual interview with her."
"This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election."
I thought that a good news journalist would be one who asked the hard and tough questions?
Isn't that what Obama's camp wanted them to ask the hard questions to Biden?
I think this shows Biden's and Obama's true colors. And they are not pretty!
here's the video link
What is your opinion on this?
Labels: Bidens Anger, Interviews, Obama Camp, Orlando
Monday, October 20, 2008
So I thought today, I'd post a few questions that I think needs to be answered by Obama. Though I am 100% sure these questions will never reach him, I'd still thought it would be good to ask. If you know the answers, feel free to respond. Also since its almost 2 weeks away from the election, it would be a good day to post it.
So *ahem* here I go:
1-Obama we all know that you want to raise our taxes and take the money from the rich and give it to the poor, kinda like Robin Hood. But how would that make the world better? Wouldn't that hurt your chances with the rich people? And would that include you?
2-You say you are against a draft, but you want to make it mandatory for woman to join the service, would that include your daughters after they reach 18?
3-Your VP pick, Biden(who wasn't a fan of yours to begin with) is now saying that once you "win"(if you even win, cause we still have 2 weeks, you know?!), that other countries will test you. So shouldn't that make you a national security risk?
4-On your site, you have a page for every type of person and you tell them why they should vote for you. And we all know that you preach change, but you thus far haven't been clear on what change you would bring. And since its 2 weeks away, don't you think you ought to tell us what you want to change?
5-During the Great Depression, we had a guy running and promising "great" things like you are doing now. But since the country was broke, he couldn't do a thing. How would you be able to keep your promises?
That's all for now, folks. But perhaps tomorrow I will have more to ask. And don't be afraid about asking your own questions here in the comments or if you are a Obama-Rama fan, try to come up with the answers for us.
Labels: questions for obama
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I found this site that will you show you the 2008 Presidential hopefuls records, as well as their VP picks and the people who are running on other tickets.
The site is, go and look at their records for yourself. They speaks volumes about them.
I'm hoping that by giving this to you my readers, that maybe just maybe, you'll see that Obama isn't want this country needs.
Labels: Election 08
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I just found this article about how the FDIC deposit insurance may not cover or even work.
In the article, they say that as of now, they only have enough to cover 1% of the deposits. I wonder what happend to all that money? Or was there ever the money in it, to begin with?
Now I am not trying to scare my readers, but we all know that it is a pretty good chance that we will go into another depression. No matter what they may claim, its not going to save us. Yes, perhaps it will delay the crash, but like they say-"you can run, but you can't hide".
How do you feel about this?
Labels: banks, depression, FDIC, stock martket crash
Monday, October 6, 2008
So the bail out passed, got signed in the same day, all on Friday as well. But the stocks on Friday started to fall as soon as word got out! Then this past weekend we heard that Germany's banks are failing. And now on today, Wall Street is still falling.
Hmm, Mr. President, care to explain why it isn't working yet?
I guess his plan isn't doing so hot, maybe they ought to have listened in their bosses-the tax payers.
Oh well, they also tried something right before the depressing in the 1929. And it didn't stop it then, it wont stop it now.
Labels: bail out, depression, random
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A litte late, I think. But then again, better late than never. I just saw the headlines online that his case in '95 helped get him convicted this time around. I assume that the Goldmen and Brown families are a little relived. Even though it won't bring their dead love ones back.
I wonder if he'll get life in prison?
Whats your opinion on this case?
Labels: OJ Simpson
Thursday, October 2, 2008
This is one simple and quick entry to tell my readers, call your local represenatives to tell them to vote NO.
I don't care if you jam up their phone lines or email accounts, do what is right for our country. Our founding fathers wouldn't want this, stand up for your rights and for America. Help keep it the land of the free.
Call Now!
Labels: bail out
Monday, September 22, 2008
This past friday, a bunch of pro-life groups from all around America, met up in Rosemont Ill. The goal, to schem up a plan to shut down Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood which is the largest abortion provider for this nation, has been sucking people into their agenda and trying to market abortions to African-Americans.
You can read the article here
I hope that they can, but I get the feeling the Planned Parenthood will the law behind them yet again.
Labels: abortions, planned parenthood, pro-life
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
They have adopted the law and now the Sharia court can rule on Muslim cases. They have 5 of Sharia courts and all have been given full power. They also plan on opening two more.
You can read more about it here
I am shocked. But then again, they did allow them into their country. I assume it will just be a matter of time before the UK will be an all Muslim country now. How do you feel about this?
Labels: Islam, Muslim, Sharia Law, UK
Friday, September 12, 2008
Roger Holdings CEO Says That America Bailing Out Fannie/Feddie Is Communist!-Part 2
2 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 12:21 PMLike I said, I was going to tell you my opinion on this.
I think that yes, we should of not bailed them out. But at the same time, what do you expect? They don't want to look like they didn't do anything. After all, it is an election year.
Sooner or later they will crash though, the Government cannot keep bailing out all companies. After all, they will run out of money. Just like the banks did, so will the Government!
Just remember that nothing last forever.
Labels: Fannie/Freddie
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Roger Holdings CEO Says That America Bailing Out Fannie/Feddie Is Communist!
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 3:59 PMSorry for such a short post, but I promis I'll try to do better. I have been very busy for the past few days.
You can read it here
Tomorrow I'll try to comment on it.
Labels: Fannie/Freddie
Monday, September 8, 2008
Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela is helping Russia later on this year for a Navy exercise.
Four Russian Navy boats will travel the waters of Venezuela on November 10 through the 14, and they will also have the Venezuela air force helping in the exercise.
Chavez who is outspoken against the US politics, has been a fan of Russia for taking a stand against the United States.
Hmm, sounds like another cold war in the making!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thanks to one of my readers, Milehimama she gave me a link to more on why Medjugorje isn't real. You can read it here.
Labels: Medjugorje
Thursday, September 4, 2008
It's about time! I only started hearing about it, a fews back but I have read up on it. And it seemed fishy. You can read about the Pope cracking down on it here
What do you think about Medjugorje
Labels: Medjugorje, Pope Benedict XVI
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I am going to share something with you, that I have just joined and found.
It's called, it is a site that pays you to blog. You get $1.00 dollar for every hundred word post you do, but only once for every day. Also you can get more by page views, it may not be much- but it is a start! I am excited by it, also if your blog does good you can even get more money.
Join now, to be a V.I.P blogger, and get paid for doing what you love!
Now back to my normal type of post soon!
Monday, September 1, 2008
I think I have too much going on right now. And it isn't working so hot. I just don't have enough time to do all that needs to be done.
Sorry for the random blurb.
Labels: random
Friday, August 29, 2008
I'm am quite pleased by his pick. But the mainstream media are already attacking Sarah Palin.
Even one article went as far as saying, that she clings to religion and guns. Like thats a bad thing? They also hate the fact that her state(Alaska) is rich in oil, she's a woman(too bad Obama didn't think of that), and she is pro-life.
She is everything Democrats hate, and more. I think that McCain choice is smart and it is even more smart that he stated his VP pick, after the DNC.
What do you think?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I found this article by this woman, who wants to divorce her husband just because he doesn't button his shirt, then way she wants him too?!
In fact here is a sample of their philosophy
"We were groomed to think bigger and better -- achievement was our birthright -- so it's small surprise that our marriages are more freighted. Marriage and its cruel cohort, fidelity, are a lot to expect from anyone, much less from swift-flying us. Would we agree to wear the same eyeshadow or eat in the same restaurant every day for a lifetime? Nay, cry the villagers, the echo answers nay. We believe in our superhood. We count on it."
Hmm....perhaps if that's how one feels about marriage, why get married at all?
Another sample of feminist ideal thinking
"I recently stood by as a clothing designer, a mother in her 40s, announced to a group of women that she was divorcing her husband. The women's faces flickered with curiosity, support, recognition, and -- could it be? -- yearning. Not a one of us suggested that she try harder to make it work. No voice murmured, "What a shame."
Because it isn't a shame. Divorce is no longer the shame that spits stain upon womanly merit. Conventional wisdom decrees that marriage takes work, but it doesn't take work, it is work. It's a job -- intermittently fulfilling and annoying, with not enough vacation days. Divorce is a job too (with even fewer vacation days). It's a matter of weighing your options."
These people are jealous of their friend who is getting a divorce? And they don't believe that it's a shame? What is wrong with these people.
Now how some of her friends compare divorces
"A friend once compared the prospect of leaving her husband to leaving her child's private school: The school wasn't entirely to her liking, but her daughter was happy there; it wasn't what she'd expected, but applying to other schools involved a lot of costly, complicated paperwork and the nagging uncertainty of whether another school would accept her and/or really be that much better.
Another friend viewed divorce as being akin to an extended juice fast: You're intrigued but skeptical, admiring yet apprehensive. Is it dangerous? Does it work? You're not completely sold, but then again, you could envision yourself attempting it down the road."
They act like it is a normal and healthy thing to do? Whatever happened to the idea of working on a marriage?
Read the article here
What's your take on this?
Monday, August 25, 2008
Pro-Life Activist Will Try To Gain Attention At The Democratic Convention
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 12:57 PM
Pro-life activist will try to be arrested at least once, during this week in Denver to gain focus of the issue.
Christian Defense Coalition issued a press release, founder Terry stated that they also intended to disrupt some of the events that will be held along the DNC.
He also stated that they will take cues from "Letter From The Birmingham Jail" which was written by Martin Luther King Jr.
But they aren't the only ones.
Bob Enyart, a Denver pro-life leader who also is the host of Bob Enyart Live, is also planning on pro-life events during the course of the DNC.
Operation Save America and Operation Rescue West, also have plans.
Well, I hope that they don't get into too much trouble. I give them kudos for they they're doing!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
European Union What's To Make It ILLEGAL To Say Speak Against Gays
2 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 2:50 PMCan this world get any more nuts?!
The EU, wants to make gay marriage equel to a marrige between a man and a woman, and make it illegal to speak you mind on how being gay is wrong.
How can speaking out the truth be a crime? Really, how does it "hurt" these sick perverts? They know that they will be looked down upon, and they know that people will speak against it.
By the way, whatever happend to that saying, "sticks and bones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?"
Labels: E.U
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
By now, I am sure that you are aware that Russia and Georgia had an "agreement" to cease fire, right?
Well that didn't stop Russia. They're still in Georgia and still fighting. They haven't moved out of Georgia, and it appears that they won't anytime soon. And yet people act shocked over this?
A wise word to the people who believed Russia, just because one says they will do such, does not mean they'll keep it.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
If you haven't noticed, I took Google AdSense off my blog. "Why?", well the content of the ads did NOT match my blog. Also I would see ads about teen pregnancy, and I don't know why or how come that would show up! And I didn't want people to think that I think that is okay and I also think that I saw once or twice ad's about abortions, so that's why.
But I have put up a link for amazon, so feel free to check it out.
Other than that, I will do minor things here and there, so please do keep in eye out for new stuff!
Labels: amazon, google adsense, site news, site updates
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The war between Russia and Georgia shows no signs of slowing down or stopping, this article talks about how Georgia is asking for international help and how they are planning an all out defence for their capital from Russian troops.
The invasion is moving southward, and though the pleas from Georgia to Moscow have asked for them to stop, it seems that Moscow is not listening.
Sounds like that they're gonna keep on taking Georgia over, and I highly doubt that's where they'll stop.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Since I have been on a bit of a break from the normal posting, Russia has bombed Georgia. So I figured I'd post a bit about Russia.
Here is a article about Georgia is saying that they're in a state of war.
I suppose Russia is trying to get the Soviet Union back together.
I wonder if this is one step closer to WW3?
Labels: Georgia, Russia, Soviet Union
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Once the contest is over, I will go back to my normal posting. But don't forget to check out your chance's to win FREE beauty products at Shop In Chic.
Labels: contest
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My friends Shop In Chic is hosting a contest. So enter now!
Labels: contest
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm sure you all heard this by now, but I felt that I should post something on it.
Jose Medellin was executed Tuesday night in Texas, for the rape and murdering of two girls 15 years ago. Though it was contested, Texas went ahead and did it.
You can read about it on
I say, go Texas! They had every single right to execute him(though I do believe that some cases, execution isn't the answer), he lived here in the USA and did the crime in a United States of America, so he should have to deal with the laws of our land.
Don't like our laws, tough, go home then. You shouldn't be treated special just because you're from another country. Heck, if you did the crime in our country, not your home country, you should pay by our laws.
Enough said!
Labels: death penalty, laws, Texas
Monday, August 4, 2008
Well today isn't much a of post, but I am letting you know that I am also writing for a site called GroundReport. You can check out my articles here.
Labels: news
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I know his feast day isn't until tomorrow, but as you may or may have not noticed, I post every other day on here. So I am doing the post about him today.
St. Alphonsus was born in Naples, Italy on September 27,1696. He went to Law School and became a lawyer at the tender age of 16! Not too long after that, he was admitted to the Bar of Neopolitan.
In the year of 1723, he lost a case and God used it to make his heart change for the better. Later on in the 1726, he became an Ordained. A few years later, God told him to create his own congregation. He obeyed God as he always did. He worked hard for his congregation and later on it payed off. He was appointed Bishop of St. Agatha, but 1775 he had to retire.
He has written many books and was close to the Blessed Virgin. He spent the rest of his years writing many books that still exist even today. He died 11 years after retiring, on August 1 1787.
Here are some of his books that you can buy,
You can read more about him at,
Labels: August 1, feast day, St. Alphonsus
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I just so happen to stumbled across a very good article about the Autism-Vaccine link(Though even the article states that it also causes other health issues). And it goes into very good detail about how the FDA is trying to cover this all up. It even talks about a secret meeting the CDC had with the pharmaceutical companies about the link. I think that it is a very good article, check it out for yourself here
Also this is a page that list some of the common ingredients in common vaccines, it can be found here
A little side note to my readers, I have created another blog with more of niche than this one. I will still update this blog of coure, this blog will not be by any means be put on the back burner. My other blog is foucsing on technology, check it out at Miss Virtual Reality Thanks for reading
Sunday, July 27, 2008
We all know that food and fuel prices have jumped, but other commodity prices will jump soon if they haven't already.
Manufactures are increasing their prices, and though many retailers are trying not to pass them along may give in soon. Many stores are not happy about this, as they know that consumers will consume even less than they're now. Which is even worse news to the ears of retailers.
Either way they'll have to take a risk:
1-If they don't rise their prices, retailers will lose money.
2-They rise their prices and lose consumers.
I have already seen tons of stores close because of this, and I predict that many more will. The only ones that might have a standing chance, are the ones who delay the price increases.
Has it impacted the stores near you?
Read more here
Friday, July 25, 2008
Since last Friday, South Dakota's only abortion clinic has been closed. Because of a new law, and abortionists refuse to work because they're told that they have to warn the women two hours ahead of the time about what might happen. If they do not comply under the law of that state, they can be sued.
I guess these "doctors" don't want to be sued?! Makes me think that they want to hide the truth from people.
So right now, South Dakota is the only abortion free state. You can read all about it here
Labels: abortions, pro-life, south dakota
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I found this great article off the site Renew America(check it out, it has really good articles). Cynthia A. Janak, wrote it and shows just how bad the ingredients are.
You can read it here
She breaks down some of the ingredients for you and shows you the warning about why you should be careful, so you don't get poisoned. And to think that the FDA gave Merck the okay for it, even after the fact Merck covered up the side effects?
Yes thats right, you can read that article here.
The fact that they want to inject people with such harsh poisons is questionable. And yet we have heard of no recalls about Gardasil? People have died because of it, what will it take to get it off the market?
The fact remains, that it's not just Gardasil. It's all vaccines, they all have metals and poisons that should not be taken or let along injected into one's blood stream.
Whats your opinions?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today I found this link about visions of hell, and I felt that it was such a good read, that my post would be about it today.
The main message is that if you don't really believe in hell, then you will be condemned. Which goes hand in hand with the teaching that the biggist trick of the devil is that he and hell don't exist!
It goes into stories about people who has had either visions of hell or visions of people who went to hell. Which is also very sobering. It goes into about how the visions of hell cannot be described. The pain the torture is horrible and that for each soul their is a unique punishment for each sin that soul has done.
I think that it's a good article to share with you, because the sad fact is, that many people do not believe in God, Heaven, the devil and hell. So by sharing this, perhaps just perhaps it will wake up someone to the truth.
Read it here
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Petition Alert! Must Read For Anyone Who Cares About America.
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 2:05 PMI found this petition linked to another site, and I believe that anybody who truly cares about America, ought to know about it and sign it.
Its for the fence on the border, the one that out Government promised to have built. Yet they now seem to be backing away from what they promised.
Sign here.
As a person who lived in Texas for 6 years, I have seen what the illegals are doing to our country.
I have witnessed a car being robbed by them, I lived in a complex where we had illegal bank robbers and a shoot out took place because of them.
And I for one, do not want to learn Spanish in my own home country just because they won't learn the language of our land.
I do not want my hard earn tax dollars(or anyone else's for that matter) to pay for the illegals to have anchor babies, or from their kids to go to our schools and not learn English.
I do not want to watch my Country to fall apart because they're taking over.
I refuse to.
I signed, will you?
Labels: america, news, petition alert
Time for a rare good news post, that you don't get to see on my blog too offen!
I just founded myself listed on a site where they list news breaking journalist. I don't know how they found me, but they did!
I am listed twice on it, but thats okay.
I also got a profile on the SourceWatch, which is a site that that says, "your guide to the names behind the news".
I am honored, really.
So that is the good news!
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
This is off topic, so please don't mind.
I don't know if you remember that I posted this one entry last month, but even though I diss I-tunes....I still bought an I-tunes card(stupid, eh?)
Well I guess what comes around goes around is very true. I am having trouble downloading songs off I-tunes now.
I did send in a a report and thus far, I have not gotten very good help from the I-tunes support staff. So I doubt I'll get a refund or any real help.
So I made the picture above and thought I'd post a rant.
Perhaps even an article on Associated Content?!
So thanks for reading the most boring post I have ever written.
Labels: off topic, rants and raves
Monday, July 14, 2008
Yes, even though the movie and book was based on a true story, it also made to be more rich in the fiction department than the truth department.
Now though I never saw the movie or even read the book, I have found the true story behind it all online. I thought I'd post the link for you to read it, so you can see that people can be possessed by demons.
You can read the story here.
I'll also post a two more links that also go hand in hand with possession.
World Famous Exorcist Talks About Harry Potter Luring Kids Into The Occult
Exorcism-The Facts
Saturday, July 12, 2008
University of Minnesota Morris Professor Pledged To Desecrate Holy Communion
2 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 12:26 PMThe University was asked to fire professor Paul Zachary Myers after he posted in his blog to publicly desecrate Holy Communion.
He wanted to someone to mail him at least one if not more of the Holy Eucharist wafers, so he could publicly desecrate it and post the evidence of it on his blog. It was his response to a student in a FL college who held the the Holy Eucharist on hostage for some days, before returning it to the Church.
The article can be found here
I highly doubt they will fire him, heck they're more likely to promote him now.
I find this very upsetting, but I am not that shocked that a professor would say such.
Labels: Bad News, Catholic, Holy Eucharist, news
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ah, good news to post for a change.
This Dallas Morning News article reports that illegal aliens are leaving-and not just Dallas.
According to the article, Chicago and Phoenix also have high numbers leaving.
The reasons for leaving are, not enough jobs, and the fear of being caught. In the Dallas area, deportations are on the rise.
Earlier this year, it was reported that Arizona had droves of illegals leaving because of laws getting tougher and jobs drying up.
So thats the good news I get to report today!
Know about any more good news about illegals leaving? Please do share!
Monday, July 7, 2008
This article is so right on, if something isn't done soon, things will take a turn for worse(hard to picture, but things can).
I was shocked to find out that Europe has gas prices $10.00 dollars a gallon, how can anybody pay for anything with prices like that? But then again, they are socialist(I think America is getting pretty close to being outwardly socialist).
But I think we all can safely guess that, the prices will rise more and more. Where it ends, I assume nobody really knows but God.
Labels: america, armageddon, end of times, europe, gas
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Health Canada has issued a warning for a drug given to kids, teens and adults to "treat" ADHD. Up to 189 people had bad side effects from this drug.
It is stated as far back September 2005, that it can cause self-harm ideas in people who take the drug. Yet it was still given out to "treat" people.
Article can be found here
Yet other drugs fails, I wonder if any lawsuits will come out of this?!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I was reading a few articles on feminism and how it affects both men and women. I thought that they hit the nail right on spot, so I am now going to share the links with you.
Radical Feminism As A Psychological Disorder
Why Are So Many Women Depressed
Marxist Roots of Rafical Feminism
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
If you have lived under a rock of most of this past year, then you aren't
aware of the FLDS raid in Texas. Well since it happend, the families have been reunited with their children. But many haven't returned to the ranch, so they need ways to make money.
Here enters, a way to sell clothes in order to make money to pay bills. Good idea, right? But many people are protesting the site, by saying it supports child abuse. Perhaps so, but then again, perhaps not.
At least they're trying, unlike some welfare queens.
Your opinions?
Labels: clothes, FLDS, online stores, religion
Saturday, June 28, 2008
What sounds like a scene in a bad movie, may be reality soon enough. Texas foreclosures are allowing them to buy land cheaper now. Their peso is growning while our US dollar is falling, making a cheap buy for them.
Article is found here
This makes me so sad for Texas.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
8,000 Lightning Strikes Cause 800 Wild Fires In California
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 12:39 PMPerhaps California may be the next Sodom & Gomorrah?
I am sure you all are aware now of the gay "marriage" in California? Well this lightning storm hit this past weekend, after gays were starting to be allowed to get "married".
It seems that it fits the bill.
Labels: california, news, religion
8th Abortion Clinic To Close In 18 Years In Dallas Texas
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 11:54 AM
Ah, some good news for a change. The Catholic Diocese in Dallas have been working towards this for 18 years, and thus far they have succeeded in seeing 7 abortion clinics closing, and now an 8th.
The clinic that will be closing this Saturday, is the last late-term abortion clinic in Dallas.
They still have 5 freestanding clinic, but have promised to pray some more for those to close as well. They state that they're looking forward to seeing Dallas be an abortion free city one day.
They will hold a celebration this Saturday in the Diocese of Dallas.
Isn't this great news? ;)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
European Parliamentary Assembly Thinks Abortion Is Better Than Adoption
2 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 12:45 PMIf anybody else notice, that I write a LOT about America and Europe and the laws of their land. Well, perhaps you also tooken notice of that Europe is even more liberal than America(ever look through European magazines?). So maybe you will be or will not be shocked by this article here
They say that adoption is closely related to "child trafficking". Which I have no clue on how they came up with that. So they want to promote abortion as a way to go. Though pro-abortionist state that it shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, but that seems to be what is going on.
Of course the whole world is also very into "choice rights", not just Europe or America.
ps:I am in the middle of working on the layout, so I'm sorry for any issues you may have with it loading.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Royal Bank Of Scotland:In 3 months, the gobal market will crash
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 1:16 PM
The Royal Bank Of Scotland is issuing a gobal crash alert.
Last year they issued a warning about credit crisis.
The article can be found here
Whats your opinion?
I think that it will happen. When? I highly doubt anybody knows when it will happen.
Labels: alerts, Bad News, gobal economy crash, stock martket crash, warnings
If you live in Germany, and choose to homeschool you'll either pay fines or go to jail or both.
At least thats the story, the parents in this case are Christians and wanted to keep their kids at home for religious reasons. Their case has been in the court for at least two years and the prosecutor wasn't going to be happy with just the fines paid.
They were sentenced to 3 months in jail for each parent.
The Home School Legal Defense Association stated that the family was going to appeal.
Homeschool has been looked down upon since the Nazi's ruled.
Read the whole article here
Labels: Germany, homeschool, HSLDA, laws, Nazis
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Yes, you read that correctly. Middletown School District will be putting RFID microchips in 80 kids school bags. They would be scanned on the bus, and parents can be "check" on their kids this way.
But the real surprise is that the ACLU is against it. Yes, you do not need to rub your eyes and reread that.
Now I think that they're just testing to see how people are taking it. If it goes over smoothly they will chip all kids and maybe even their skin. It's just one step closer to a one world order
The link is above to the article.
Labels: Bad News, end of the world, end of times, news, one world goverment, public schools, RFID, RI
Monday, June 16, 2008
Article can be found here
Of course not in America. I mean I have heard of countless people spreading the idea of one, yet nobody really did anything.
Here in America people almost worship their automobiles. But I am glad to know at least other countries are trying. Hmm, I wonder if America could learn a thing or two from them?
Comments as always, are welcomed.
Labels: countries, news, oil, oil prices, protest, world news
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Oh Where Oh Where Can Winter Be? The Lord Took It Away From Me.....
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 5:00 PM
Ack, Now I remember why I hate summer.
I am ghostly pale and I do not deal with heat well(Thanks Dad...), so as you can assume I burn real easy.
Today I went swimming for the first time this season, and as any pale person knows I wore sunscreen. Higher than SPF15 by the way which is reconmmended.
But now I look like this.....
I guess it didn't do its job.
Oh how I miss winter.
Labels: rant, rants and raves, rave, summer, sunburned
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Bank For International Settelments Warns Of New Great Depression
2 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 1:33 PMArticle Here
We keep hearing these warnings and yet nobody heeds them. What is wrong with are world?
Labels: great depression, warnings
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I'll admit something that may shock you.....
I have dial up......
Not that I wouldn't love high speed internet, trust me I would. But where I live(in a swamp is a way to put it), they do not offer it. So downloading I-tunes is a task taht would be the best to be avoided. As we all know, I-tuens does not offer it on cd-roms( suck) and you also have to download Quicktime with it. Or it won't work even if you just use I-tunes for the songs. So with that being said, I love cheap songs though I do love cds more. I found a way for me to get free legal music thanks to Microsoft(I cannot believe I am saying that).
They offer a site where you play tons of fun games to gain "tickets" and you can trade them in for free music downloads. Awesome isn't it? Its called Club Live and you should really check it out. You can also get other things, but I use it for music as I love music. Now it doesn't work with Ipods(like I said, Apple you suck) so you would still have to download Itunes or figure another way to import the songs on your Ipod. Which I have no clue thus far how to do it, but it doesn't really apply to me. But if you do know how, please feel to share.
It's web based so no software to download which is a plus for me! It saves time and makes it uber easy even for the computer troubled to use it. And you download through, but you can also buy songs through them just like Itunes but again it is browser based. So what more can I say?
Thank me later, check it out now!
Labels: Apple, club live, free music, games, legal music, Microsoft, mp3,
Monday, June 9, 2008
Today it is 100 degrees, and it's early June!
I'll be amazed if anybody survives this summer.
Labels: random
Saturday, June 7, 2008
As you all may know or not know, the other day I wrote a review for, and how they stood up to their competition. Well I think I found a better site. has over a whopping 1000+ online stores. And they just added product search engine so you can type of the name of your product that you're trying to find a bargain for without going through pages and pages of other stuff. What a time saver! A site that can save you money and time is great in my book. They also have a search engine for you to search for the store you're gonna buy from. Again another time saver. Plus on top of that, they offer to send you FREE "Deal Squeal" email alerts, so you don't miss out on your favorite store deals. And the best part is that you chose the categories from 33 and how offen. Plus they don't sell your info.(Did I forget to make mention of that they're hackersafe, tested daily? And a member of BBB?). If that isn't something you like, then lets try this, they have an RSS feed. And they also tell you how to use their coupon codes, what other site does that? And they have a welcome video.
They also have a handy dandy toolbar on top of their page, so you can choose coupons, deals, freebies, social, news, help and international. They also tell you when they expire. Also they're members of safe shopping network, McAfee HackerSafe, BBB Reliability Program, Linkshare's Platinum Publisher & 2005 golden link award finalist, mentioned in Budget Living and member of the Military Family Network. None of the other sites I named before had all these honors, so I say they're a safe bet. They also offer customer testimonials and were a Merchant's Choice Award Finalist. They also have a face book application for all you face book users. And for you tech friendly, you can bookmark them on those social bookmarking sites. And you can track your shipping through their website. A one stop kind of a site, beautiful isn’t it?
Let’s do a couple of test runs to see just how great the selection is, shall we? Apple Ipods seem to be a good one to look up. 1,467 deals showed up, not too shabby eh? Lets try another one, Nintendo Wii also seems like a good one to search, 3,767 showed up. But what about lesser known items? Like a NoNo? Well they do have it, but it isn’t at top of the search. Again, not too shabby.
As a total, I say this site is a winner. You cannot go wrong with all they offer and for free. So I say check them out, and you won’t be disappointed.
Labels: discounts, reviews, save money, shopping,
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Alaska Supreme Court ruled against pulling a plug on a patient. Her husband took it to court to prevent Providence Hospital from taking her off life support.
A signed copy of the order can be found at Here
Too bad this couldn't be done for all the people who have been killed this way.
It is so unethical.
Labels: ethical, good news, life support, medical
Monday, June 2, 2008
Colorado was the first state to make abortion legal, now they might be the first state to make it illegal.
The article can be found here.
Now I had no idea that Colorado made it legal before Roe Vs Wade. Though they must have changed their views. I hope that they can vote the bill into law, but I am shocked that the Denver Archbishop is staying in the sidelines.
I think that would cause an outcry. Or at least it should.
You can try to contact the Archbishop at:
Denver Archdiocese
1300 South Steele Street
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: 303-722-4687
Whats your opinion?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Since When Does Being Homeschooled Make You "Unqualified"?
2 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 12:36 PMI find this article linked on, and I was shocked.
Slowly more and more, people who are home schooled are being discriminated against. It makes me sick, how can public school teach everybody what they need to know? They're taking out arts from schools?! They teach kids it's "okay" to have two daddies or mommies. They try to force our Government's "values" on people, and yet parents don't have that right?
But then again our country "loves" Obama thinking that he is "perfect", so I guess that speaks volumes on our "American values".
Unqualified Because Of Homeschool Diplomas
What is your opinion?
BTW:Tennessee ranks 4th in lowest public high school graduation. Florida is number 3, Georgia is number 2 and number 1 in South Carolina in the lowest graduation rates in America. So that speaks a lot about the south!
Labels: graduation rates, home school, news.bad news, state laws
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I have heard it was a great way to make money,so i started using it in February. Since then I have had 6 articles published on them. I am pretty happy with them thus far, it does take some work but they do pay! So what are you waiting for? Join now!
And if you'd like to check out my articles here is my profile link
Labels: AC Content, my articles
Monday, May 26, 2008
I used to be a HUGE fan of American Idol. I watched it starting with the first season, and saw the very end of the second and saw all of the 3 & 4 seasons. I feel that the first two seasons were not rigged. But starting with the third season, I think it was getting rigged. Kelly Clarkson won fair and square, and I also feel that Ruben Studdard won.
But I highly question about Fantasia, and I feel pretty sure Carrie didn't win by number of votes.So i stopped because Bo Bice and Constantine Maroulis didn't win. They had huge fan bases, the message boards would show that. But they wanted a country hick.
But I did follow the other seasons by hearing the news. I was not shocked when I hear Chris Daughtry was kicked off. He was a rocker, and we all know Simon hates rockers. He has made that clear, and it seems whoever Simon adores would win.
I didn't really pay attention to season 6, as I not believe a rocker was on.
When I heard that this past season David Cook was in the top 12, I figured like the other 3 rockers he would not get far. But once I heard he was in the finale two, I had just a bit of hope. And he won!
So I am happy the a rocker has proven Simon wrong!
BTW:Daughtry has went on and has doen well with his solo career as Bo and Constantine also have made albums.
Labels: american idol, bo bice, chris daughtry, constantine maroulis, david cook, season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6, season 7
I'm pretty sure we all have heard of YouTube, and more likely even watched videos on YouTube. I know I have. But I do have my complaints about them.
As a site like many that allow you to post your videos of youself(or anything else for that matter), people have been allowed to post not so nice. Just go on the homepage of YouTube and see the featured videos, most sound stupid or just nasty. Now I have never watched any video that sounds nasty or sick. I have only seen them being listed on the homepage.
But as a site that is a new way to broadcast, why don't Google(if you live under a rock, they own YouTube) monitor what is posted?
I have also heard their are videos of people doing pranks that gone wrong(i.e:like dying in mid prank), and the one I'm am pretty sure that is safe to say we have all heard about-the girls beating up the other girl.
15 minutes of fame anyone? I don't think they should be so easy going on what is posted. Or change their name to YouIdiot.
Your opinion?
ps:I made the YouIdiot sign.
Labels: 15 minutes of fame, google, idiots, people, youtube
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
What has the Vatican become? The Associated Press interviewed Rev.Jose Gabriel Funes,who is the Jesuit director for the Vatican Observatory. He believes in the big bang theory and yet says we're not here because of a chance?
Read the article,it is linked above.
I've said enough,before going overboard on this.
Ah,there is nothing better than knowing you saved money. I am an avid member of sites that you can earn or win free gift cards. So,I had earned a Borders GC. Now while I do indeed live in a town that has a Border's store,I find their sales personal and selection annoying. So being internet savy,I though I'd spend it online.
Now here is where it really gets good,they are connected to Amazon for their online store. And I still had a three dollar credit on another GC,but this time by Amazon. Now while that isn't enough to buy something with,I knew I could use it to help me save outta pocket cost. Then I also saw they had that my favorite deal,buy $25.00 dollars worth of stuff and get free shipping. Yippee,I was thrilled. So I chose three books that would be so well worth it. I payed half with my GC's and we payed the other half. So we saved about $14.00 dollars worth in books,and payed no shipping. This is great.
I love Amazon. They are great!
So thank you,Amazon and Borders.
Labels: amazon, borders, free shipping, gift cards, saving money
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I don't know about you,but i have been hearing about these "humanoids" since this decade began. Most are in South America or Mexico. The article is at The Sun.
I find this stuff creepy and it makes me only want to go the Church more offen than once a week. Its evil all right. I have heard that as the end of time get closer,we're supposed to hear more about this type of sightings.
Now i do believe that it is real,but i really doubt that they're from outta space. I think more or less they come from hell. I also think that UFO,Aliens and the other weird stuff we hear about is also from hell.
What is your opinion on these types of happenings?
Thursday, May 1, 2008
So i haven't been doing my best on posting for this blog. I have been pretty busy in my money making attempts. Which i have been very busy with,but i shall not let that keep my anymore from posting on here. I need to spend my time wisely on all this,along with my other attempts. But i am gonna give you a REAL post.
Carol Everett,a former abortion clinic owner was at a free luncheon by Lifewatch(a pro-life ministry by Unite Methodist Church) talking about what really goes on in the type of business. She admitted that she sold abortions for money, that if she stayed with that type of business she could of easily made over one milliion dollars($1,000,000.00)in a year. She also tells about how they trained the counselors to convince these young and confused woman that abortion was the only answer. Now Everett owns a crisis pregnancy centers,that helps people realize that their are other ways to deal with it.
I am happy to know that at least one woman changed her mind,why cannot millions of others be the same way?
To read the article:
to learn more about lifewatch:
learn more about Everett:
Sunday, April 20, 2008
instead of reposting on here,i'd figure i'd give you the links to my post and one other spare link. enjoy!
Read Here
A Columbine Site(the best in my opinion)
Labels: comlumbine, remembering, school shootings
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
i will post about ccolumbine shooting. On the 9 year anniversary. So stay tooned!
Labels: 5 days, comlumbine
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I was just reading this blog entry by The Crescat as she posted this article and talked about the hateful comments. It made me sooo mad that i needed to come here and talk about it. I'm sure you all know that us Catholic's are not liked by many. They look down of us for what we believe in and in what we say & do. Though i have read many rude comments on Catholics(like when the 7 new deadly sins were released),though what people said on this article tops them off.
Here are quotes from the comments:
"In other words, dogma is an excuse not to think for yourself"
"As one who was raised during the 1950s, I have a vivid memory of the "traditional" Catholic Church under Pope Pius XII. I hated it!! There was no freedom of thought or expression. I fear that Vatican II is being reversed. I have a hard time with "our way or the highway." I find abortion horrific, but I believe that anyone who participates in abortion will have to answer to God. However, I believe that birth control is reasonable and to forbid it is socially irresponsible. I revere the Tridentine Mass but I think there's room for both the "new" Mass and the Tridentine. People should have a choice"
"Maybe the church traditionally encouraged large families in order to ensure a large pool of children from which its clergy could choose to molest."
"Personally, my own life became remarkably better when I quit drinking and when I blew off Catholicism. Like the problem drinkers, many Catholics just don’t see the downside."
Its so sad to read what these miss led people think.
Labels: blogs, Catholic, rants and raves
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
ah,sometimes it feels so good just to rant.
I go on lots of graphic,myspace graphics sites,and lots of them are slow to load.\
Because they overload their layouts with graphics,blinkies,ect. It takes forever to load.
Labels: artfulfrog thoughts, rant
Monday, April 7, 2008
You may wonder,"what the hell?" when you read my post. Well let me explain myself.
I started this blog because i like to talk,talk is what i do. It really has a lot to grow yet,and i am still busting my behind on this. Though i do feel as if a lot of my post are in vain,they still do have a real value-maybe not to you,but at least to me.
So thats why i write in this blog.
Friday, April 4, 2008
i have been a busy little bee. i've been busting my behind off on trying to fine a real at home jobs and create a new blog along with trying to keep this one up nad running.
Labels: updates
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
This sickens me. How can our world go on this way? I am just waiting for the Anti-Christ.
Labels: Bad News, Breaking News, Catholic, Heartbreaking, news, Sad News
Monday, March 31, 2008
A Continental flight that had landed in Houston that came in from New York,was being cleaned when they found a dead baby's body on the bathroom floor. FBI was called in,they stated that an autopsy would be done to see if the child could of been saved.
What do you think should be done?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Their is lots of info still on the demons and occult. In fact today i was looking up about it today.
Demons are 100% real,and no matter what you read or hear,they're evil. All do come from hell.
Big foot,aliens,ect all seem to not be what they seem. Just keep that in mind.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Iraq Death Toll for United States Reaches 4,000
check it out NOW
Labels: published
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Writting a story,i never seem to finish one-yet i feel like i might be able to with this one. I hope i can at least.
Happy Holy Saturday,tomorrow is Easter.
Labels: writting
Thursday, March 20, 2008
As you my faithful reader(s) may have notice that a reoccurring theme here is religon. Now i cannot denie that i didn't start this blog to be a "religon" blog,it just seems that many of my opinons seem to follow such a route.
Oddly,my whole life has seemed to be centered on my religon. Dreams,readings,thoughts and opinons are quickly add up to this. I cannot say that i don't like what my blog has become. It is what it is,and no matter how i try not to have this centered on it-it finds it own way to go right back where i wasn't intending it to go. So i will just give into that,but i will also try to have other types of articles on here as well.
Happy Holy Thursday!
Labels: blog, dreams, Holy Thursday, religon
Monday, March 17, 2008
Not many care about what St.Patrick's day is about. They all only care about becoming drunk-as that would seem to honor him? I highly doubt that would make him happy. After all,he was a Catholic. And getting drunk is one of the seven deadly sins(or 14 now).
So since today is his feast day,i figured what a better time than today to post this.
St.Patrick wanted the Irish people to have faith,not be pagans. So he traveled Ireland and converted tons of people into Christians.
After he died and became a Saint,many people wanted to honor his memory and St.Pat's day got started. I assume that it started with good intentions,and sadly has been crashed into the ground.
Now its an excuse to party,get drunk,act badly and sell. Just like how Fat Tuesday,Easter and Christmas has been for years.
Anyways, Happy St.Patrick's Day
Erin Go Bragh!
Labels: 14 deadly sins, 7 deadly sins, Catholic, Happy St.Patricks Day, Holiday, Ireland, Irish, Sins
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Well i haven't posted for about 4 days now,and feel the need to do so.
So here are some updates:
We had bad storms last night,i was gonna post it over here. but i found a much more fun topic to talk about. But if you'd like to read it,go here
Also i am working on making this blog more stylish. ;)
Now on to what i wanted to post about:
We've heard of the cases on how bad Ritalin is for you. Well a kid has hung himself now because of it.
It has been noted as a cause in mental disorders and has a history of addiction.
Back in the 1990's it was being pushed by teachers and schools to help "calm down over active kids"(otherwise known as:ADHD). But by the parents protesting it,they stoped.
Now it seems to have made a comeback if you will call it that. As mental disorder,personality disorders have "climbed",the needs for such pills have risen.
But so has sucides and school shootings.
What are you thoughts?
Labels: mental illness, ritalin, school shootings, sucides, updates, weather
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
This is no joke,Kansas Woman stays in bathroom for two years,while boyfriend does nothing about it untill now.
I say something is wrong with both of them.
Labels: bathroom, idiots, odd news, unbelieveble
Monday, March 10, 2008
California Gov.Schwarzenegger "promises" to change the law
1 comments Posted by Sarah Peel at 4:13 PM
If you've beening living under a rock(even though i live in a pond,its not under a rock),you may not know that California made homeschooling illegal. Much to many peoples shock. Well in the news it has been a hot topic,and gotten a good amount of of media.
Well it may all end in a while. Gov.Schwarzenegger states that he wants the law to be changed. If the courts dont do it,he says he will.
Lets hope what he says is true. My StumbleUpon Page
Labels: california, Gov.Schwarzenegger, homeschool
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Today i went to see what Tara Feis is all about. Its a Irish theme day. They had Irish music,green shirts,shamrocks and more.
But i'd say the main focus was on the two special Irish performers from Ireland:
Harry O'Donoghue and Altan.
Both true talent from the land of green shamrocks.
I was quite pleased with hearing both of them perform live. Much better than what i can hear on the radio,any given day.
So go and check them out if you can!
Labels: Altan, Harry O'Donoghue, Ireland, Irish, Tara Feis