Saturday, July 12, 2008

The University was asked to fire professor Paul Zachary Myers after he posted in his blog to publicly desecrate Holy Communion.

He wanted to someone to mail him at least one if not more of the Holy Eucharist wafers, so he could publicly desecrate it and post the evidence of it on his blog. It was his response to a student in a FL college who held the the Holy Eucharist on hostage for some days, before returning it to the Church.

The article can be found here

I highly doubt they will fire him, heck they're more likely to promote him now.

I find this very upsetting, but I am not that shocked that a professor would say such.


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

The followup is here:

shopinchic said...

I think he's just trying to shock people. There are a lot of people who will do anything for fame.