Saturday, July 19, 2008

I found this petition linked to another site, and I believe that anybody who truly cares about America, ought to know about it and sign it.

Its for the fence on the border, the one that out Government promised to have built. Yet they now seem to be backing away from what they promised.

Sign here.

As a person who lived in Texas for 6 years, I have seen what the illegals are doing to our country.

I have witnessed a car being robbed by them, I lived in a complex where we had illegal bank robbers and a shoot out took place because of them.

And I for one, do not want to learn Spanish in my own home country just because they won't learn the language of our land.

I do not want my hard earn tax dollars(or anyone else's for that matter) to pay for the illegals to have anchor babies, or from their kids to go to our schools and not learn English.

I do not want to watch my Country to fall apart because they're taking over.

I refuse to.

I signed, will you?


shopinchic said...

I hope that people sign and I hope that our politcians do something.
We're heading for trouble at this