Tuesday, July 1, 2008

FLDS Selling Clothes For Money

If you have lived under a rock of most of this past year, then you aren't
aware of the FLDS raid in Texas. Well since it happend, the families have been reunited with their children. But many haven't returned to the ranch, so they need ways to make money.

Here enters FLDSdress.com, a way to sell clothes in order to make money to pay bills. Good idea, right? But many people are protesting the site, by saying it supports child abuse. Perhaps so, but then again, perhaps not.

At least they're trying, unlike some welfare queens.

Your opinions?


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

My opinion? For once someone's marketing clothes that cover the belly button and don't have "skank" written on the rear end.

And they are overpriced, IMO. $30 for a newborn knit blouse? $58 for a newborn sleeper? Too rich for my blood!

But I don't think it's wrong to try to raise money. It might even show the women that they can support themselves and provide them a way "out", if they wanted it. (I doubt the menfolk are the ones sewing the clothes!)

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I lost your e-mail but I have a link for you. Can you send me a note?

shopinchic said...

Its free enterprise and there's
nothing wrong with that.