Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Proof That Gardasil Is Poison

I found this great article off the site Renew America(check it out, it has really good articles). Cynthia A. Janak, wrote it and shows just how bad the ingredients are.

You can read it here

She breaks down some of the ingredients for you and shows you the warning about why you should be careful, so you don't get poisoned. And to think that the FDA gave Merck the okay for it, even after the fact Merck covered up the side effects?

Yes thats right, you can read that article here.

The fact that they want to inject people with such harsh poisons is questionable. And yet we have heard of no recalls about Gardasil? People have died because of it, what will it take to get it off the market?

The fact remains, that it's not just Gardasil. It's all vaccines, they all have metals and poisons that should not be taken or let along injected into one's blood stream.

Whats your opinions?


shopinchic said...

The abortion drug kills

Chemo and radiation kills

And these drugs are still on the market.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

One could argue that the benefit of chemo outweighs the risk.

Even more twisted are the FDA treatment of psych meds given to children. It is crazy the medications that are being prescribed - WAY beyond Ritalin, which is bad enough. And people tell me I'M crazy for choosing supplements and diet for our son instead of these drugs!

Not so, Gardasil. It protects against 5 out of over 20 strains of the virus; you still have to get pap smears even after having it in case you contract one of the other strains!

If you search my blog for "gardasil" or "vaccines" (on the sidebar, categories scroll down box) I have posted about this a lot, with links.

And now I'm getting SPAM from lawyers looking to sue Merck! That's how mainstream the damage is - it's spam now!

BTW, the abortion drug is being fast tracked to be an depression treatment for women... except abortion CAUSES depression.

Ginkgo100 said...

According to the post about the ingredients of Gardasil, it contains 225 mcg of aluminum. Do you know how little that is? That's about 1/4000 gram, or less than 1/100,000 ounce. You get more aluminum eating out of aluminum cooking pots.

Histadine is a substance found widely throughout the body. It can safely be taken daily in supplement form in amounts 2000 times greater than what is found in Gardasil.

Polysorbate 80 is a type of compound commonly called a "wetting agent" and is found in ice cream and milk.

Sodium borate is used to keep the pH balanced. Wikipedia flat out states that it "is not acutely toxic." You have to deal with very large quantities before you need to worry about safety precautions.

Sodium chloride is table salt.

Did you notice that Gardasil also contains dihydrogen monoxide? You might read more about it here. I should warn you, though, that dihydrogen monoxide is just another name for water. If you don't know much about chemistry like the author of the article you linked to, then it's easy to get scared of things that are not really dangerous.