Monday, October 20, 2008

So I thought today, I'd post a few questions that I think needs to be answered by Obama. Though I am 100% sure these questions will never reach him, I'd still thought it would be good to ask. If you know the answers, feel free to respond. Also since its almost 2 weeks away from the election, it would be a good day to post it.

So *ahem* here I go:

1-Obama we all know that you want to raise our taxes and take the money from the rich and give it to the poor, kinda like Robin Hood. But how would that make the world better? Wouldn't that hurt your chances with the rich people? And would that include you?

2-You say you are against a draft, but you want to make it mandatory for woman to join the service, would that include your daughters after they reach 18?

3-Your VP pick, Biden(who wasn't a fan of yours to begin with) is now saying that once you "win"(if you even win, cause we still have 2 weeks, you know?!), that other countries will test you. So shouldn't that make you a national security risk?

4-On your site, you have a page for every type of person and you tell them why they should vote for you. And we all know that you preach change, but you thus far haven't been clear on what change you would bring. And since its 2 weeks away, don't you think you ought to tell us what you want to change?

5-During the Great Depression, we had a guy running and promising "great" things like you are doing now. But since the country was broke, he couldn't do a thing. How would you be able to keep your promises?

That's all for now, folks. But perhaps tomorrow I will have more to ask. And don't be afraid about asking your own questions here in the comments or if you are a Obama-Rama fan, try to come up with the answers for us.


shopinchic said...

These are very good questions. I don't know exactly how he would
answer but I know he would talk
in circles, and he would not
even reach the point.

Ginkgo100 said...

1- There are more "poor" people than "rich" people in this country. He doesn't care about rich people's vote because he's angling for greedy "poor" people to vote for him. Which shows he has a low opinion of the poor -- his whole strategy is based on them being greedy! If the poor have more integrity than that, as I suspect they do, it will backfire. Also, this plan really discourages people from working hard & sacrificing to increase their income. Why work hard when it will just be taken away?

2- Yes, he thinks his daughters ought to register for the draft. Just as he think his daughters' potential children, his grandchildren, would be "punishment."

3- I was wondering that too!

4- He changed the definition of a tax cut! In the past, a tax cut means you pay less tax. Under Obama's scheme, it means you get a handout!

5- I am waiting with bated breath for the answer...