Sunday, March 16, 2008

Warning:Long Post

Well i haven't posted for about 4 days now,and feel the need to do so.

So here are some updates:
We had bad storms last night,i was gonna post it over here. but i found a much more fun topic to talk about. But if you'd like to read it,go here

Also i am working on making this blog more stylish. ;)

Now on to what i wanted to post about:

We've heard of the cases on how bad Ritalin is for you. Well a kid has hung himself now because of it.

It has been noted as a cause in mental disorders and has a history of addiction.

Back in the 1990's it was being pushed by teachers and schools to help "calm down over active kids"(otherwise known as:ADHD). But by the parents protesting it,they stoped.

Now it seems to have made a comeback if you will call it that. As mental disorder,personality disorders have "climbed",the needs for such pills have risen.

But so has sucides and school shootings.


What are you thoughts?


shopinchic said...

I think its all about conspiracy.