Friday, December 5, 2008

Now Oprah might regret that she didn't interview Sarah Palin now! We all know that her show has been hurting for 2 reasons, her new weird "religion" and because of Obama. What might have been her saving grace, by interviewing Sarah Palin when she was running for VP didn't pan out because Oprah is obsessed with Obama(maybe its a O name thing?) has bitten her back. Sarah Palin has zero interest in a interview with the "queen of daytime talk". Or at least that's what Oprah is saying.

Well they say, what comes around, goes around. A little too late for you Oprah!

image credits-
Oprah-Radar Online
Sarah Palin-Media Right


shopinchic said...

I am a fan of Oprah, but this one is all her fault.