Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hillary Gets A Pay Cut?

Okay, now by all means I am no fan of the Clinton's, but this seems fishy. They used to adore the Clinton's(remember before the Obama days, Bill was "the first black" president!) and know after Obama came into the picture-they have turned their backs on them!

Isn't it bad enough for Hillary who spend her whole career to try to run for president to get upstaged by a younger,(half-)black man? Then once he wins, and gives her the consolation prize as Secretary of the State-they cut her salary? That's like three slaps in her face!

What are these people thinking? I am 100% shocked by how the Democrats are acting towards the Clinton's. They called Bill a racist for crying out loud. What is with them?

But I guess Obama will get his turn.

How do you feel about this?

Hillary image credit


shopinchic said...

Thats Democrats for you! They'll love you one minute and the next they'll leave ya!