Wednesday, June 18, 2008

RFID:RI to microchip children

Yes, you read that correctly. Middletown School District will be putting RFID microchips in 80 kids school bags. They would be scanned on the bus, and parents can be "check" on their kids this way.

But the real surprise is that the ACLU is against it. Yes, you do not need to rub your eyes and reread that.

Now I think that they're just testing to see how people are taking it. If it goes over smoothly they will chip all kids and maybe even their skin. It's just one step closer to a one world order

The link is above to the article.


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

There was an article in Catholic Family News last month about government tracking cars using the E-Pass toll system, written by the author of "Spychips".

Here's her site:

shopinchic said...

Yeah,and I hear that they also put RFID chips in pets,and merchandise in stores like Wal-Mart and Dillards.