Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I found this article by this woman, who wants to divorce her husband just because he doesn't button his shirt, then way she wants him too?!

In fact here is a sample of their philosophy

"We were groomed to think bigger and better -- achievement was our birthright -- so it's small surprise that our marriages are more freighted. Marriage and its cruel cohort, fidelity, are a lot to expect from anyone, much less from swift-flying us. Would we agree to wear the same eyeshadow or eat in the same restaurant every day for a lifetime? Nay, cry the villagers, the echo answers nay. We believe in our superhood. We count on it."

Hmm....perhaps if that's how one feels about marriage, why get married at all?

Another sample of feminist ideal thinking

"I recently stood by as a clothing designer, a mother in her 40s, announced to a group of women that she was divorcing her husband. The women's faces flickered with curiosity, support, recognition, and -- could it be? -- yearning. Not a one of us suggested that she try harder to make it work. No voice murmured, "What a shame."

Because it isn't a shame. Divorce is no longer the shame that spits stain upon womanly merit. Conventional wisdom decrees that marriage takes work, but it doesn't take work, it is work. It's a job -- intermittently fulfilling and annoying, with not enough vacation days. Divorce is a job too (with even fewer vacation days). It's a matter of weighing your options."

These people are jealous of their friend who is getting a divorce? And they don't believe that it's a shame? What is wrong with these people.

Now how some of her friends compare divorces

"A friend once compared the prospect of leaving her husband to leaving her child's private school: The school wasn't entirely to her liking, but her daughter was happy there; it wasn't what she'd expected, but applying to other schools involved a lot of costly, complicated paperwork and the nagging uncertainty of whether another school would accept her and/or really be that much better.

Another friend viewed divorce as being akin to an extended juice fast: You're intrigued but skeptical, admiring yet apprehensive. Is it dangerous? Does it work? You're not completely sold, but then again, you could envision yourself attempting it down the road."

They act like it is a normal and healthy thing to do? Whatever happened to the idea of working on a marriage?

Read the article here

What's your take on this?


shopinchic said...

For a lot of people marriage is either:

A-Just another goal to accomplish

B-Something to do to fill the time
