Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009

Today I have a sense of sadness, today might be the last day that our country is the same as our founding fathers wanted our country to be. We don't know what Obama will bring, perhaps he won't even do much during these next 4 years of trial. The only way we will know, is by living through these next 4 years.

I will miss Bush, at least we knew what he really stood for, with Obama nobody knows other than God and Obama.

How do you feel about this today?


shopinchic said...

Only time will tell...

Anonymous said...

Dear Artful,

Welcome to the Dumb Ox Bloggregator!

It might take a few hours to have your rss feed show up. I will keep an eye on it, but let me know if you see any problems.

Keep up the good fight!

We can only hope that Republicans can get some spine in the Senate and stop efforts to create a permanent Democrat majority in the country with amnesty and entitlements... The silent majority (still a majority for the moment) had better get some consciousness of the situation, and blogs like yours will help, little by little, to keep our friends abreast of the issues that the MSM ignores.

Best wishes,
D. Ox