Sunday, October 26, 2008
Note To The Leftest Who Read This: I did not state anything about Obama being a Marxist. I am just reporting about the interview. So don't send me hate emails for just stating infomation on this.
Joe Biden was in a interviewed by Orlando's WFTV station, and was asked question's that weren't welcomed by the Obama camp. Here's the statement Obama's spokesperson made after the interview.
"There's nothing wrong with tough questions, but reporters have the very important job of sharing the truth with the public -- not misleading the American people with false information. Senator Biden handled the interview well; however, the anchor was completely unprofessional. Senator Biden's wife is not running for elected office, and there are many other stations in the Orlando television market that would gladly conduct a respectful and factual interview with her."
"This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election."
I thought that a good news journalist would be one who asked the hard and tough questions?
Isn't that what Obama's camp wanted them to ask the hard questions to Biden?
I think this shows Biden's and Obama's true colors. And they are not pretty!
here's the video link
What is your opinion on this?
Labels: Bidens Anger, Interviews, Obama Camp, Orlando
Monday, October 20, 2008
So I thought today, I'd post a few questions that I think needs to be answered by Obama. Though I am 100% sure these questions will never reach him, I'd still thought it would be good to ask. If you know the answers, feel free to respond. Also since its almost 2 weeks away from the election, it would be a good day to post it.
So *ahem* here I go:
1-Obama we all know that you want to raise our taxes and take the money from the rich and give it to the poor, kinda like Robin Hood. But how would that make the world better? Wouldn't that hurt your chances with the rich people? And would that include you?
2-You say you are against a draft, but you want to make it mandatory for woman to join the service, would that include your daughters after they reach 18?
3-Your VP pick, Biden(who wasn't a fan of yours to begin with) is now saying that once you "win"(if you even win, cause we still have 2 weeks, you know?!), that other countries will test you. So shouldn't that make you a national security risk?
4-On your site, you have a page for every type of person and you tell them why they should vote for you. And we all know that you preach change, but you thus far haven't been clear on what change you would bring. And since its 2 weeks away, don't you think you ought to tell us what you want to change?
5-During the Great Depression, we had a guy running and promising "great" things like you are doing now. But since the country was broke, he couldn't do a thing. How would you be able to keep your promises?
That's all for now, folks. But perhaps tomorrow I will have more to ask. And don't be afraid about asking your own questions here in the comments or if you are a Obama-Rama fan, try to come up with the answers for us.
Labels: questions for obama
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I found this site that will you show you the 2008 Presidential hopefuls records, as well as their VP picks and the people who are running on other tickets.
The site is, go and look at their records for yourself. They speaks volumes about them.
I'm hoping that by giving this to you my readers, that maybe just maybe, you'll see that Obama isn't want this country needs.
Labels: Election 08
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I just found this article about how the FDIC deposit insurance may not cover or even work.
In the article, they say that as of now, they only have enough to cover 1% of the deposits. I wonder what happend to all that money? Or was there ever the money in it, to begin with?
Now I am not trying to scare my readers, but we all know that it is a pretty good chance that we will go into another depression. No matter what they may claim, its not going to save us. Yes, perhaps it will delay the crash, but like they say-"you can run, but you can't hide".
How do you feel about this?
Labels: banks, depression, FDIC, stock martket crash
Monday, October 6, 2008
So the bail out passed, got signed in the same day, all on Friday as well. But the stocks on Friday started to fall as soon as word got out! Then this past weekend we heard that Germany's banks are failing. And now on today, Wall Street is still falling.
Hmm, Mr. President, care to explain why it isn't working yet?
I guess his plan isn't doing so hot, maybe they ought to have listened in their bosses-the tax payers.
Oh well, they also tried something right before the depressing in the 1929. And it didn't stop it then, it wont stop it now.
Labels: bail out, depression, random
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A litte late, I think. But then again, better late than never. I just saw the headlines online that his case in '95 helped get him convicted this time around. I assume that the Goldmen and Brown families are a little relived. Even though it won't bring their dead love ones back.
I wonder if he'll get life in prison?
Whats your opinion on this case?
Labels: OJ Simpson
Thursday, October 2, 2008
This is one simple and quick entry to tell my readers, call your local represenatives to tell them to vote NO.
I don't care if you jam up their phone lines or email accounts, do what is right for our country. Our founding fathers wouldn't want this, stand up for your rights and for America. Help keep it the land of the free.
Call Now!
Labels: bail out